Just thought that I share my point of view on this matter. It may well be true that it would be cheaper in the longer term to purchase the Mercedes E200 Kompressor instead of continuing with the problematic (so he claims) Proton Perdana. I don't find this hard to believe, in fact, I would also think so. The state government got a good deal with paying approxiately RM240K per E200K. From my own personal experience with the Perdana, it is firstly a fuel sucking machine and secondly, it does have a problematic gearbox. Now, if you have to factor in that the Merc is more than twice the price ... over the next 5 years, what would the difference be ... I am not sure but from guesstimates ...
1. Probably a savings of a few thousand in terms of petrol
2. Probably cheaper maintenance of maybe RM50K per car
3. But more importantly, the lost of use of the car would cost the state exco time which may cost more than RM200K in 5 years! That's just an arbitrary figure
BUT, that's not the point. Would a Accord/Camry 2.0 or even a 2.4 not be a better choice? Let's not go into the new Nissan Sylphy. If the Terengganu state have say gone with the Accord 2.0, the difference may be Rm50K per car but I strongly believe that just the maintenance savings is sufficient to justify it over the next 5 years.